We sincerely thank you for your interest in supporting Word of Faith International Christian Center – St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Your gift allows us to further our mission of Teaching the Word, Doing the Work, Touching the World.

Click the ‘Donate’ button below to make your donation online through PayPal. You can make a donation through Paypal, Debit Card, or Credit Card. You can also select to give monthly.


Givelify is a mobile and online donation app that allows individuals to easily donate. Simply search for download the Givelify App in your favorite app store and search for “Word of Faith International Christian Center”. For recurring giving you can add Word of Faith International Christian Center to your favorites.

In Person

You can also give in person at any of our weekly church services. Simply drop your offering envelope into the offering bin as it’s passed during service.

You can also DROP OFF or MAIL a check to the church office:



Word of Faith St. Thomas
8354 Estate Contant
St. Thomas, VI 00802



Thank you for giving to Word of Faith St. Thomas. We sincerely say thank you for your interest in supporting Word of Faith International Christian Center – St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Your gift allows us to further our mission of Teaching the Word, Doing the Work, Touching the World.